About the Artist

Being born in Vietnam and growing up here in the United States, I’ve experienced this internal conflict between tradition and the new (Western culture). At home my parents encouraged my Vietnamese-ness, but when I went to school, it was an American culture that I had to assimilate into. I’ve often struggled with finding a balance between being Asian and being American. I didn’t feel like I really belonged anywhere.

I have always had a fervent interest with tales and legends from different countries. I am especially drawn to Asian mythology, particularly tales from Vietnam, China, and Japan. I love to read these stories and immerse myself in the magical landscapes. I like to imagine that I am the heroine—whether it is a princess from the moon or a nightingale singing my beautiful song for the emperor. By exploring these myths and learning about my heritage, I strive for a way to make a connection to the question of - “who am I? And where do I belong?” What does it mean to be Asian-American? I wanted to find a way to embrace my Asian heritage and also the Western culture I have assimilated into through my work.

I fuse these myths with my cultural background and personal journey, interpreting them in a unique and fantastic way through painting and decorative paper collage. I love to incorporate traditional East Asian art elements and motifs into my own illustrative style to create a unique image. My paintings use copious amounts of color, patterns, and an endless imagination to capture my audience and draw them into the phantasmagoric worlds I create.

I am currently residing in Houston, TX.

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?
— Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass